Standard Steve in the Scary Place is a game I worked on for the 2022 Global Game Jam.
The theme for the jam was ‘duality’ so we really tried to lean into the duality of light and dark in the aesthetic and also created a duality between high and low fidelity by using Unity’s HDRP render pipeline with several RTX raytracing features like global illumination and reflections but then crunched everything down to super low resolution giving a pixelated and glitchy look.
We started off building the game as a survival horror but ended up with something more like an interactive experience.
Without any explicit goals or win/loss conditions it is definitely not a traditional game but there are hostile creatures to avoid that you can also distract and there is also a puzzle in trying to repair the broken abstract power grid.
We had a lot more ideas but ultimately our eyes were bigger than our stomachs and we bit off more than we could chew over the short two day jam but we were happy with the atmosphere and vibe we were able to create.
My responsibilities on this project were implementing the character controller and AI behaviours. I also helped out with developing the visual style and general design.
I was also responsible for bringing the project together in Unity and creating the build.